Frequently Asked Questions
Do you work with our mission or program?

Most likely-yes! We have worked with a wide spectrum of non-profit and community social missions and programs. We have handled everything from A-Z—Arts to Zoos throughout our twenty years of service. However, we do NOT work within big healthcare and political related efforts.

Do you work in or are registered in our state?

In accordance with individual state laws, we keep our counsel and solicitation registrations current in the states where we have active projects or ongoing operations. If a new project presents itself and we are not currently registered in the related state(s), confirming active registration is part of our process in onboard to the project.

Do we need to be registered?

In accordance with individual state laws, your non-profit may be required to be registered prior to commencing any fundraising activities. This is beyond being registered as a non-profit business entity. We are happy to confirm your registration and assist with completing it if you are not yet registered appropriately.

If you are not a non-profit business entity and are working under a fiscal sponsorship arrangement, the above referenced registration law would apply to your fiscal sponsor as well.

We don’t have our IRS tax exempt status yet; can you still help us?

Yes. We can work with you and your fiscal sponsor or assist with arranging for a fiscal sponsor.

Can you help us start a non-profit?

Yes. We have worked with many community groups and individuals in preparing, organizing, and applying for tax exempt status from the IRS. Please note the first question in this process from us will be “Is there any other organization in existence now that you can work with, so we are not creating duplication of missions and competition for fundraising and volunteering programs?”

We just got my 501 c 3; can you help us?

Yes. Approximately 80% of our service delivery is to either “from scratch” or less than 5 years old organizations or programs.

How do you offer your services?

Our services are summarized within four core services — Administrative, Operational and Program, Leadership Education and Grants, and Resource Development.

Can you help us with more than one thing at a time?

Yes. Many of our projects cover multiple tasks from a combination of our Core Services.

Will you come to our location to work with us?

Yes. Our many client service areas are based out of Baltimore, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Tallahassee, Florida, but using both technology and travel we have worked with organizations and their projects through out the United States. 34 States to date.

How do you communicate what is going on?

Based on the project scope we set a regular system of meetings/communications with program staff, directors, board members, and/or volunteers. We also open a “Client” Teams Channel on our Microsoft Teams system, so communication is maintained almost continuous as questions, comments, and files are shared on the channel. provide monthly written summaries of activities and efforts.

What are your rates?

We do offer packages and a la carte services which use a range of standard retainer or total project fee payments. We do not work on any sort of hourly arrangement as our Team works on delivering agreed upon specific task list and understood expectations of the engagement without concern for a time clock.

Additionally, we do not work on or accept any form of commission in relation to monies donated or granted; this is an unethical practice while also encourages a lack of acknowledgement of the work and effort needed in preparing and engaging in operations or campaigns that are filled with unknown challenges and beyond our control once the program or campaign is “kicked-off” or the grant application submitted.

How are fees and payments offered?

Our services are offered under one of two methods—Standard Retainer or Total Project Fee:

Standard retainer methods are by far our client’s preferred approach to engaging our services. This agreement, that makes their budgeting easier, is maintained with a monthly payment of a set amount that remains in effect through the life of the agreement. Our agreements are typically 12 months or longer in duration, but we do entertain more short term “interim” projects.

Total Project Fee arrangements are typically for specialized multiple year, multiple service core projects where a total project fee is agreed upon that is then broken down into smaller initial monthly payments that grow (or “step up”) through the life of the agreement. These step-ups typically happen every six (6) or twelve (12) months throughout the life of the project and are agreed upon at time of engagement.

process is agree upon where the project fee is broken down into a much smaller monthly payment that grows (steps-up) every six (6) months throughout the life of the project.

We just started and have no cash flow; will you still help us?

Yes. Our Team wishes to assist and serve whenever requested. In fact, our “step-up” payment process created in part to assist organizations facing cash crunches.

Will you write your costs into grant applications?

No. Although many still believe in a decades long ended practice of writing fees into grants, this practice is highly frowned upon by granting organizations. Regardless of the type of granting entity, trustees, reviewers, and/or committees want to see the monies they invest in a program or project go to that program or project and not to a third-party entity not directly involved.

If a granting opportunity does state that third-party fees are permissible within their guidelines (perhaps in a government related program), we will first confirm that our service is permissible as these types of permissions typically relate to professional services in support of the program or project and not our services.

What is your percentage return on investment? What guarantees do you offer?

We do not track any type of ROI and we do not offer any guarantees. Just because our services resulted in $XXXXXXX.XX this year or the program finished with an XX% growth does not mean that the results will be the same in another mission, another state, another economic period, etc. We will gladly provide you with examples of our results as we discuss your project, but we do not track “winning numbers” or guarantee outcomes as we are focused on assisting, building, strengthening, and supporting nonprofits achieve their mission.”

What if we are not comfortable committing to a lengthy Memorandum of Understanding agreement?

We strive to establish a MOU that best benefits the organization while protecting our investment and sweat equity. Sometimes a project is one that a longer period is needed to accomplish all (one crawls, walks, then runs). We will work with you to determine a comfortable length for the agreement.

Also keep in mind as you consider how long of an agreement you wish to engage in: our agreements contain a check-in meeting every six (6) months where progress, plans, and pitfalls are discussed on the project. As a part of this meeting, either party can offer a 30-day termination notice for any reason if they no longer wish to continue the relationship or wish to redetermine the definitions of the MOU.